Serving over 140 individuals in Union County, NJ with a hot nutritious meal, 5 days a week.
Serving over 140 Individuals in Union County, NJ with home delivered kosher hot nutritious meals.
Our Toby Goldberger Kosher Meals on Wheels Program serves over 140 individuals in Union County, NJ, with kosher hot nutritious meals 5 days a week. (Some individuals qualify for additional meals). To qualify, you need to be a Union County resident who is over 60 and /or disabled.
Funding for the program has been provided by the City of Elizabeth, Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ, the State of New Jersey, the Union County Division on Aging, Jewish Family Service of Central NJ, and private donations.
We gratefully acknowledge a generous endowment to fund the Toby Goldberger Kosher Meals on Wheels Program from Lori and David Moore that alleviates the program’s waiting list.
The naming of the program coincided with the purchase of a new specially equipped vehicle with funding from the E. J. Grassmann Trust, The Hyde and Watson Foundation, Phillips 66 Bayway Refinery, the Karma Foundation, and the Union Foundation. We are truly grateful for their support.